
some photos...i hope...

hello from conakary! we're on a field trip of sorts...a day to find the bank and other essentials.
so i can't figure out how to rotate these...and i only have 5 minutes of time left. so tilt your head :)
1) my host family
2) my african comple
3) my house!!!! how amazing is it! i have the apt on the left. didn't get inside, but i'm imagining good things.
4) my compound from a distance. middle of nowhere, quiet, beautiful...it is going to be like a 2 year retreat. can someone send me some candles?
5) my school from a distance
next time, i'll work on the rotation!


  1. Emily,

    Great pictures and stories! Glad you are doing well and have such a great host family! The Browns are not looking so hot in the pre-season, I'm hoping for drastic improvements once the regular season starts. Lots of love, Randy

  2. I love the pictures mom! Sounds like you're having a lot of fun and adapting pretty well. I just wanted to say thank you for the letter. Mr. Kmack read it before the game yesterday(9/11/08) and it meant a lot. Just what I needed before the game..tears. We won though, so we're now 3-0. I miss you..can't wait to hear more stories.


  3. Emily Samek,

    Those pictures are beautiful! I can't wait to see you in Africa! I will get you a schedule of my breaks and see if they coincide at all. If not, I'm coming to see you! :)

    Love and Respect,

  4. alright, just found my holiday schedule. it may vary a bit, but this is the general idea.

    April 30-May 25

    August 26-September 6

    December 10-the end of December if I leave at the end of December or January 10, if I stay for another year.

    Let's work something out, friend! I miss you!

  5. well hello there. It's been forever. How is your new home? Are you fitting in or still out of place for months to come? I'm doing good. Just getting back into the whole college stuff, class and etc. Just wanted to stop by and see how you're doing. Hope all is going well and don't be a stranger.


  6. Mom!

    Your pictures are so amazing and I love reading your stories. Thank you so much for thinking of us by sending us that letter and the hair ribbons. We wear them every game day! Sounds like you're having a wonderful time. I'm trying to put money in my "Africa" savings every chance I get because Dora and I still want to come in May 2010. We just played Cathedral last night (bad memories). But now we're 8-0. I miss you so much. You're always in our thoughts.


    p.s. Mr. George decided to go green and had us make these blogs as a way to post homework, how convenient =)

    p.s. again...the other day in practice we kept screaming TEACHERR, TEACHERR DE MATEMATICASS! Mr. Kmack so didn't get it.
