
tomorrow the news is broken....

the one thing i have yet to do in this crazy process is tell some of the most important people in my life the news that i am not going to be at trinity next year.  those people: my students.  here's what i'd like to get out tomorrow when i tell them, but might not be able to say it all without getting choked up...so they can read some of it here.

the past 5 years have been such a blessing for me; i have been so lucky to have been able to be a part of such wonderful community of students, parents, and teachers.  from the classroom to the court, all of the experiences have made me the teacher i am today.  i may have taught you math and how to shoot a basketball or serve a volleyball, but you have also taught me so many things along the way.  we pray everyday about being illumined with faith, hope, and love, and you have demonstrated all of these in so many ways.  without being witness to these, i don't know that i'd ever be ready to move my life to africa and teach there.  undoubtedly, it makes me sad to think about next year - my advisees and how you have come so far this year and how much joy you bring to my days, my students and how much we have done this year and your excitement for math and learning, my players and our 2 -a- days before school starts, van rides, state tournament games, and beach outings, the math wing and no more math extravaganza for me, the dominican trip and how special it is for me to lead you there - this list can go on and on; yet i am so excited about this new adventure that is in front of me.  

everyday, we try to instill in you the values in loving one another - it is what we are called to do as catholics, as christians, as members of the human family.  we can do this everyday in our schools, in our jobs, within our families and among our friends.  you don't need to travel far to do this and i know i am extremely privileged and lucky to be able to pick up my life and move to africa to do my part in serving to make this world a little better (and i get to do it by teaching math!)  i hope, at the very least, even if you are angry (which i know a few of you are), you realize that this my way of serving our global community.  we all have to do what we can in this world; i can do this (and want to do this) so i have to answer that call to go.  

i never imagined i would be in boston for 5 years but am so grateful for these years and for all of you.  you are all amazing young men and women and i pray that you are not afraid to do the things you dream of doing in your life, and always remember the lessons of faith, hope, and love you have learned along the way.  your heart will guide you in finding the way you can serve - and whether it is in boston, waltham, cleveland, the dominican, or across oceans, i know each of you has the courage to answer that call.  

faith, hope, and love.  they got you this far.  don't stop believing in them and living them out...and living them out LOUD.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ms. Samek! The newly Mrs. Winer gave me your blog link and told me that you're teaching in Africa and I think that's amazing! I hope you're enjoying your time there :) BTW it's Jenn Nguyen. Hopefully you remember me..
